Sarah Writes Stuff
Movie reviews, book reviews, travel photos, and general slices of entertainment.
I do not do ranked lists. I do not give stars to movies. I reluctantly give stars to books because I feel like I have a better grasp on...
Hello from 2025!
So the beginning of November has been some combination of: sick, tired, busy, traveling, existential dread, hence why you’re not getting...
Everything’s a real bummer! Let’s pretend for like five to eight minutes that it isn’t, and get through this October recap together. There...
Hello, checking in from being just on the cusp of sweater weather. (It’s 87 degrees today. We’re not there yet.)
wow ok hi, it’s been a bit of a hectic beginning of the month, this is later than usual, I hope you’re all out enjoying life and didn’t...
wow ok hi
Hello from the final days of my vacation. Let’s talk about some stuff I did last month.
Are you ready to see my mediocre pictures of the eclipse? I sure hope you are.
Happy April! We’ve made it through the first third of the year!